Finding ID | Version | Rule ID | IA Controls | Severity |
V-240969 | VRAU-VI-000020 | SV-240969r879521_rule | Medium |
Description |
Logging must be utilized in order to track system activity, assist in diagnosing system issues, and provide evidence needed for forensic investigations post security incident. Remote access by administrators requires that the admin activity be logged. Application servers provide a web and command line-based remote management capability for managing the application server. Application servers must ensure that all actions related to administrative functionality such as application server configuration are logged. |
STIG | Date |
VMware vRealize Automation 7.x vIDM Security Technical Implementation Guide | 2023-09-12 |
Check Text ( C-44202r676166_chk ) |
At the command prompt, execute the following command: grep log4j.appender.rollingFile.file /usr/local/horizon/conf/ If the "log4j.appender.rollingFile.file" is not set to "/opt/vmware/horizon/workspace/logs/horizon.log" or is commented out or is missing, this is a finding. |
Fix Text (F-44161r676167_fix) |
Navigate to and open /usr/local/horizon/conf/ Configure the vIDM policy log file with the following lines: log4j.appender.rollingFile=org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender log4j.appender.rollingFile.MaxFileSize=50MB log4j.appender.rollingFile.MaxBackupIndex=7 log4j.appender.rollingFile.Encoding=UTF-8 log4j.appender.rollingFile.file=/opt/vmware/horizon/workspace/logs/horizon.log log4j.appender.rollingFile.append=true log4j.appender.rollingFile.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.rollingFile.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ISO8601} %-5p (%t) [%X{orgId};%X{userId};%X{ip}] %c - %m%n |